Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Scab infection period

Wetting last night at our AREC gave us less than 0.01 inch of rainfall, but it stayed wet 14 hr at 57-67 degrees, and resulted in our first apple scab infection period of 2012. As noted in yesterday's post below, the spore target was big for many varieties. Other areas of Frederick County had more rainfall. With the relatively warm temperatures, cedar-apple rust and quince rust spores matured quickly, but probably did not infect last night, at least in our situation. Blossoms beyond tight cluster with their bases exposed would be susceptible to quince rust. Also as noted yesterday, mildew spores were available and infection has already occurred. So these constitute the present apple disease control spectrum concerns. But with the way it's going this year, we may be concerned about fire blight on early bloom before we know it.