Friday, August 30, 2013

Recent extended wetting periods resulting in potential rot activity

Significant summer disease pressure continues with extended wetting periods occurring Aug 17-18 (16 hr with 0.16 in. of rain at 61°), Aug 21-22 (14 hr with 0.05 in. of rain at 66°) and a serious one for rot activity this week, Aug 28-29 (30 hr with 0.42 in. of rain at 71°).

As of Aug 26 accumulated wetting hours totaled 655, approximately equal to or more than that for seven of the past ten years.

Disease management and pre-harvest sprays in the orchard directly affect postharvest quality and storage rot problems. Maintain intervals of pre-harvest fungicides appropriate to disease pressures and the prevailing weather conditions, but allow flexibility in pre-harvest intervals for your intended fruit market.