Sunday, June 2, 2019

Recent extended wetting; early summer disease pressures June 2, 2019

At our AREC in Winchester we recorded two extended wetting events: May 26-27, with 6 hr of wetting at 69° with 0.15 in. rain; and June 2, with 9 hr of wetting at 61° with 0.2 in. rain. Again these extended wetting events at relatively warm temperatures favored secondary apple scab, early summer disease activity on apples, peach scab, cherry leaf spot and brown rot on ripening cherries. 

For purposes of predicting the development of the sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) fungal complex, we record accumulated wetting hours from rainfall or dew, starting 10 days after petal fall. This year we chose May 2 as our petal fall date for Winchester, so the start of wetting hour accumulation was from May 12. As of 8 AM June 2, accumulated wetting hours (ACW) already passed the 250 wetting hour threshold for specific treatment against the SBFS fungal complex: at 909 ft elevation we had 331 hr; at 932 ft (the AREC NEWA station), 93 hr; and at the 983 ft elevation, 90 hr ACW. One of the purposes of following three weather stations is to compare wetting hour accumulation at different elevations. Note that we have already passed the threshold at the lower elevation and the total is more than 100 hr ACW more than last year on this date. At the two higher elevations ACW accumulation is more than 100 less than last year at this time. NOTE: Edited Jun 12: Last week we discovered an error with the sensor at the lower elevation, 909 ft, which had already accumulated 331 hr ACW; that figure was distorted because the wetness sensor had come loose from its stand and dropped into the grass where it remained wet abnormally long.

The sooty blotch/flyspeck model on NEWA indicates accumulated wetting similar to the ACW shown at our NEWA station. To use this model, select a weather station, go to the drop-down menu for diseases and enter the petal fall date (e. g. May 2) to calculate the risk for that location.
Sooty blotch/flyspeck risk summary for Winchester AREC, 932 ft elevation, using May 2 as petal fall date.
For central Virginia, we selected Apr 23 as the petal fall date for accumulation of wetting hours by selected weather stations. As of June 2, Red Hill had 349 ACW (also past the threshold). Lynchburg  had 240  ACW. Also east of the Blue Ridge, the NEWA station at Batesville  has 109 ACW, while the NEWA station at Gadino Cellars near Washington, VA has recorded 150 ACW with Apr 29 as the petal fall date.