Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summary of apple disease conditions to date

Scab spores were first trapped with rains March 22.
The first scab infection period occurred Mar 28-29.
Lesions were observed Apr 12.
Apr 14- apple scab infection period; wet 22 hours with 0.1 inches of rain.

Powdery mildew
Mildew spores were available on infected emerging buds by Mar 30.
There have already been 17 dry weather “mildew days” in April

Fire blight
Infection events occurred at our AREC Apr 8 and Apr 16 (some local areas may also have had wetting of early bloom Apr 6).
Possible infection yet on late bloom with warmer temperatures this weekend.

Not much rust activity so far. 
Cedar-apple rust spores ready to be discharged.
Quince rust infection not likely as fruit will lose susceptibility by thinning time.
Cedar-apple rust inoculum may persist late into spring as it did several years ago.