Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Recent scab and rust infection periods; rust galls still active

We have seen two recent significant scab and rust infection periods: May 16-17 (22 hr wet at 74-71° with 0.77 in. rain) and May 18-19, 16 hr at 72-64° with 0.88 in. of rain.These are important for secondary scab infection where primary infection was not well-controlled earlier and, at temperatures in the 70s and higher 60s, also could signal some early Glomerella leaf spot and bitter rot activity. Cedar-apple rust galls are still actively producing spores.

We have had 22 dry weather powdery mildew infection days since mildew spores were first available Apr 6.

Yesterday we had reports of fire blight symptoms in the region, probably from infection that occurred May 5-7, which Maryblyt predicted to appear May 11-14.