Monday, April 29, 2013

Apple scab infection period April 28-29

At our AREC we recorded split wetting periods totalling 18 hours starting at 54° at 11 AM Apr 28 and continuing at 50° throughout the duration of the wetting events. With expected high ascospore maturity and discharge, this is our most serious scab infection period this year. Hopefully, most blocks have received adequate fungicide protection up to this point and, with only 0.2 inch rain, should have been well protected through this event. Although the temperatures were a bit cooler than the optimum for the rust fungi, the blossoms are still very susceptible to quince rust and a follow-up application of an SI fungicide is advised where disease pressure is high and protection may have been lacking.

The outlook for fire blight infection over the next week remains low to moderate unless temperatures turn out to be significantly warmer than currently predicted. For the longer term, these cool temperatures will probably prolong the bloom period and our greatest threat of blossom blight may come on late bloom.

Since April 11 we have seen 13 dry weather, powdery mildew days, and we can expect secondary infection to be flourishing on new growth soon.