In Winchester, we recorded a heavy apple scab and rust infection period Apr 24-25: 30 hr at 47-56° (mean 51°), with 0.6 in. rain. Also, many cedar-apple rust and quince rust spores were released during this extended wetting period, and flowers are near their peak susceptibility for quince rust infection. In areas where there is a concern for rust infection, include an SI (DMI) fungicide in the next spray application. More wetting is expected Apr 26-27.
Cedar apple rust galls with the spore horns fully expanded Apr 25, 2018. |
Powdery mildew conidia have been available for infection at our AREC since Apr 10. Any “dry weather “ day above 53° is suitable for mildew infection. So far, we have had at least ten mildew infection days.
Fire blight: With continued predicted relatively cool temperatures in the, fire blight risk at Winchester should remain low or moderate through the weekend.
Apple scab infection conditions were similar to Winchester's southward in the Shenandoah Valley and east of the Blue Ridge, but with slightly warmer temperatures and with more than two inches of rain in some areas-- enough to erode the protective fungicide residue during the wetting event.